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Diabetes Management Kit

Kit to ease patient transition to independence after developing Type II diabetes.



Segal Design interns

Design for Manufacturing, Design for Assembly, Instructional Design

Project Summary

Liver transplant patients can develop type 2 diabetes during surgery and are educated on diabetes management immediately after surgery. They remember little information and go home not knowing how to manage their transplant or their diabetes. 



A kit that aims to help the patients transition to independence by reinforcing skills used in the hospital and streamline the interaction between patients and providers.



Our Solution:

Research and Iteration

Myself and another intern at Segal were given this product to design a version that was less expensive to manufacture. 


We gained insights on how to improve the design through client interviews, user observation, market research and testing a variety of manufacturing methods.

First iteration

Second Iteration


We found that the cheapest option would be to thermoform thin sheets of plastic and laser cut a cardboard box.

Instructional Design

Based on the need for more user friendly instructions, I developed simple graphics that guide the user through the kit.


The symbols for each item map to its physical location. The colors represent each section the instructions are used with. The colors and mapping will aid the patient's memory.

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